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My 12 Greatest Lessons Of 2023

Writer's picture: Kathy OzakovicKathy Ozakovic

Updated: Jan 18

Our experiences are only as useful as our reflective practice. I have been journaling and reflecting from a very young age. I was about 6yo when mum bought me my first diary. I kept diaries throughout my childhood, my teens, my eating disorder years, my heartaches and my travels. What I remember from these entries was always drawing out the lessons, the positive outcomes and how the experience made me stronger, wiser, more loving and caring. If I could not think of anything positive, I would come back to what I was taught as a child: “Something good is coming”. 

You know that feeling when you sense something is happening inside of you. It’s good but it's also scary. It's new and unfamiliar so it scares you, but if you believe something good is coming - it's a good type of scary. That’s what 2023 has felt like for me. Leaving the familiar and embracing change on a physical, cellular and energetic level. The one word that comes to mind is ALCHEMY

“Gypsies love the rain because after the rain comes sunshine” and I’ve always thought of myself a little bit Gypsie - a traveller through life.

1)Same Devil, Different Level. Have you ever felt like you are dealing with the same challenge again? Except, you are presented with more challenging circumstances. You will be tested. In high school when you wanted attention and chose unresourceful ways – you got detention. In a marriage when you want attention and choose unresourceful ways – you get divorce. Same Devil, Different Level. New seasons require better strategies. Have you learnt the lesson? 

2)Choose growing pains. Choose the pain of change over the suffering of stagnation. Five years from now, what will you regret more? Being exactly where you are now or going through the discomfort of change to achieve the vision you have.

3)Delayed gratification requires maturity. Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones. Choosing a goal will often mean rejecting some things you want in order to get what you want or need even more. Know the difference. You will only know the difference to the extent which you connect with your vision. 

4)Let your attitude change as the situation unfolds. Sometimes what didn’t work out for you really worked out for you. Practice being open minded. Hold two opposing thoughts at the same time without judgment of yourself or others. As you are presented with more information, you are aloud to change your opinions, commitments, path. You have choice. The interviewing doesn’t end with the hiring. I gave you the position because I think you can fill it. It is still up to you to show me that you can keep the position by meeting the standards.

5)We are slaves to our habits – create good habits. The life that you will live is the result of the habits you develop. The things that are easy to do are also easy not to do.

6)There is plenty of time for everything – a reminder rather than a lesson. Something my mum used to tell me growing up. The lesson connected to this has been: The head thinks and the heart knows. Everything in its own right time (divine timing).

7)As within, so without (The world is not as it is, the world is as we are)Perception is projection. How you perceive me is a reflection of your own life experiences. Is what you see in me a true mirror representation of what I want to see? What in me is attracting suboptimal mirror reflections? What do I need to heal within myself to attract optimal mirror images? How will I change my energy? What do I want to see? Never underestimate the power of a sounding board. Check the quality of that sounding board.

8)Being smart doesn’t stop you from doing dumb shit. Remember that failure, mistakes and weaknesses don’t matter if you create solutions and choose to evolve.

9)Let go to let in, again and again. Make space to welcome better. @spiritdaughter new moon and full moon rituals had me setting intentions and letting go again and again and again. Burning rituals, cutting cords, detoxing. Some challenges reoccurred. What we resist – persists. Allow it to reoccur so that you can let go. Make space for the new people, places, energies, experiences and love that is coming. Far far better things ahead than any we leave behind. Trust and have faith.

10)Trust the process – does the process know we are trusting it? Give your investments the time they need to deliver value – we do not sow and reap in the same season, and remember to weed before you seed.

11)You are the main character in your life and only an NPC in others’. So, whose game are you playing? Are you stuck as an NPC in someone else’s’ world? The people you meet are either repeated cycles or your evolution. Some people were put on earth to show you what it looks like not to evolve. What role are you playing? What role are they playing? Is it time to level up and meet some new NPCs?

12)Know thyself – everything comes back to self. Be curious about what is being triggered in you. What are you making it mean about yourself, others, the world? What else could it mean? Limitations are learnt habits. Beliefs can be changed if we choose. Know your self enough to catch your limiting beliefs and change them into empowering actions. Set boundaries and standards of yourself. It starts with awarenesses of self.

If you enjoyed my 12 greatest lessons of 2023, read my 12 greatest lessons of 2022 here






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KEYWORDS: New Year, Lessons, Resolutions, Health, Wellness, Reflecting, Reflection, Mindset, Mindfulness



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