Last December, in preparation for 2024 I answered this question: What do I want more of in 2024? As I reflect on how this has showed up in my life, I gotta laugh. This year has been my favorite year so far, and I know it's only up from here. My heart is so full. Thank you to all the people who made 2024 so special. I was pulled back to shoot forward like the Sagittarius that I am. My unsolicited advice to you is: Know what you want more off, what you are aiming for, and be prepared to love and accept what God reveals to you along the way. The one word that comes to mind to describe 2024 'revelations'. Keep reading to find out why.

I asked for peace and the year begun with an abrupt awakening when I discovered the person closest to me was lying and cheating. God revealed who was stealing my peace. Where I was giving my power away. Is this who you want next to you Kathy? I asked to let go of ego-power and embrace authenticity, and was labelled as scary, vengeful, aggressive by people who claimed to know me. I am now prepared for those who consider themselves victims to be triggered by my courage and project onto me their victimhood mindset. I asked to learn about my new self through the eyes of others and God had me relocate, shatter suboptimal mirrors and cut cords. Walk away.
After this, I was rewarded with good quality people. Soul contracts ended and better soul contracts begun. The lessons were learnt and applied. I asked for more flow, consistency and trust in myself. I was given the opportunities to 'show up in consistency' (my phone reminder), to 'trust the process and the discipline it requires' (another phone reminder), and to 'trust myself to take my time' (yep). What are you really good at, what can you do for hours without eating? Where do you get lost? So, I've done more writing, more reading, more podcasts, more presenting, had more meaningful relationships, been more present. One of my 2025 goals is to grow this area.
I asked for more passion, playfulness, purpose, prosperity, positivity, pride, protection. With each new person I met, I asked myself: Is this person adding Ps to my life (or taking away)? God delivered on every single one of those prayers in ways I could never have imagined.

1 Heal the girl (boy) and the woman (man) will appear. Also known as re-parenting, inner child healing, parts work, shadow work. I am my own parent now. It is on me to show up for my inner child in the way I will show up for my future children. Lead by example.
2 Tolerance costs energy. I can tolerate you without accepting your behaviour as my own normality. When I notice others projecting their limiting beliefs onto me, crossing my boundaries, disrespecting the way I decide to live my life, I also get to choose to stay or go. I get to choose who and what I listen to. Staying will cost me energy as I engage my mind to depict what is me and what is the other. Sometimes this is a good thing, it can serve as a reminder of what I am not. Other times, it's draining. I decide my engagement and investment.
3 If you keep looking behind or ahead, you’ll miss what’s here now. Yes it is important to reflect on where you've been and know where you're going. However, this year was a reminder not to get so lost in future planning that I neglect to enjoy where I am right now. Being present is a gift.
4 Love is only the beginning; it is not enough. Love is one of my most precious values. Values are not something I posses, they are something I show through the way I live, through the actions I take. Love is a verb. I live a very loving life. I can show you love, I can love you and be in love with you, and I can simultaneously discipline myself to know you have not showed me the love I deserve.
5 Behaviour is a language, and a choice. We often speak different languages without noticing. Can you observe without assigning meaning, and seek to understand others' language? Learn about different behaviour traits to understand that you are not in fact 'surrounded by idiots' you are just different.
6 Collaboration rather than compromise. I now view all arguments as misunderstandings. You don't fight to win. How can we both win? Because if one of us wins, we both lose. If you are compromising your values and find yourself changing for someone else (rather than out of your own integrity, recalibration and alignment), you are not compatible.

7 Create space. Have goals and dreams, and leave a bit of room to let things unfold even better, easier, quicker than you can imagine. That space is where the magic happens. That is where you will find God.
8 Hold your boundaries with yourself. How you treat yourself is how you teach others to treat you. Bend and flex as needed, and be clear about what you are doing. Ignoring red flags and deal breakers for the time being? That's okay, just be clear about it to yourself. Denial is delayed misery. Be honest with yourself to the degree you expect honesty from another.
9 Retreat to replenish. Know when to fold, when to take an 'off season', when to 'deload' and rest. Withdraw from enemy forces. Buy yourself time until you are ready to attack again. That pitstop a Formula1 car takes is not actually necessary. The Formula1 car can keep going. However, it is a strategic, preventative, proactive HALT. Never let yourself get too: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Learn to prevent burnout and you will go further.
10 You are allowed to change your mind. With new information you know better, and now you can do better. Let your attitude change as the situation unfolds. This is a repeated lesson from last year. However, there's a part II this year: It is okay for me to take my time deciding.
11 You are choosing the version of yourself you are going to live with for the rest of your life. Proximity is power. Who are modelling? If you hang out with 4 smokers, you are likely to be the 5th, and if you hang out with 4 fit and healthy people you are likely to be the 5th . Who do you want to become? Seek like-minded and like-hearted people. What you normalise – you become.
12 Raising conscious children starts with being conscious yourself, and choosing a conscious partner. I would rather eat alone at the table than have the wrong person next to me. If he is a bad man, he can not be a good father. The wrong person in your life will cut your wings. Alone, you will fly higher. So, imagine what you can achieve with the right person.
13 My intuitions job is to lead me towards situations where I will learn lessons. My intuitions job is not to keep me away from challenges, hurt, heartbreak or difficulty. The lessons will repeat until learnt. Feather, brick or truck. What will it take?

If you enjoyed my 12 greatest lessons of 2024, read my 12 greatest lessons of 2023 here, and of 2022 here.
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KEYWORDS: New Year, Lessons, Resolutions, Health, Wellness, Reflecting, Reflection, Mindset, Mindfulness